Wallace : Carl Arbogast. Age nineteen. Caught
breaking into the Oakland City School
District computer to change his grades.
Bishop : I know! We're the ones who caught him!
Carl : One thing I don't get, though, is you and
Cosmo were taking all these chances, all
these big chances, I mean, what for?
Bishop : We were young. And there was a war on.
(Carl obviously still doesn't get the point, and Bishop adds :)
It was a good way to meet girls.
Bishop : So, what are you guys going to do with your
share of the money?
Carl : I'd like to have a deep relationship with a
beautiful woman who melts from the very
first time our eyes meet.
Bishop : We're not getting paid that much, Carl.
Carl : Well you know, someone like Liz.
Bishop : You're definitely not getting paid that much.