I knew River just this year, That was than I buy the movie MOPI.
After that I want to search about him, when I read how beautiful soul he had and what want to do, I change.
Now I know that I knew River too late [what shame]
But now I want to do what he want to do, Help the world, people and animals.
River had the beautiful soul than everyone who life it.
I love him and now I think him everytime.
When I read how he died, so young and so great person, I cry days.
I don't want to believe that he is gone.
But I understand why he gone, because God take the soul of great person soon, so they can't make more mistakes. [am not saying that he did]
He must help now as an Angel.
I think that he was truely Angel came to earth to help people but the world was heavy for him.
This because God need him to help people as an Angel
After I cry for him days, I saw him in my dream.
And I read in somewhere if you see dead person in your dream it means that he is Okay.
After that day I know That he is Okay and he didn't whan that I cry.
Everyone love you
God Bless his Soul
Rest In Peace
River Phoenix
A River Fan
i am a chinese girl about 21. recently i saw the movie dogfight. it was by river phoenix and lily Taylor. after i saw the movie i so attracted by river that i search him on the internet and his pictures. and now my desktop is his picture. but when i learned that he have died for 12 years, i was so sad ,and now i am still sad. then i search his other films. and saw the moive my own private idaho. though i can't really understand the movie but i can see that river was not acting, he just acting himself, so vivid. but i hate the movie. because of the moive he began to take drugs and two years later he died of overtaken.
he was just so talented and handsome. i have never so much like a actor and river is the first one, maybe the last one. river i love you and hope that if you were alive, you should keep happy
wow! What a great actor! I saw the movie 'Stand By Me' for the first time when i was twelve! Wow twelve huh? Same age they were in the movie. When i saw River phoenix, i instantly fell in love with him! I thought he was very handsome and sweet. I also saw him play young indy in ' Indiana jones and the last crusade. He only had a ten minute part but hey, he did a great job!! I miss him a lot and if you want a site to go to to find out more about his other movies, his music, and you can hear him say some lines from his movies. And there's some slideshows to remember him. Type in Rio's Attic and then click on the link. Hope you enjoy the site and I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU RIVER! YOU'RE ALWAYS GOING TO BE My FAVORITE ACTOR AND IN MY HEART! R.I.P.
Shelby, 12
Hi, I'm Michelle, from Brazil, i'd like to say that the brazilian fans miss so much River too, and from here we could aprreciatte his job in his several movies. I almost don't remeber his death, 'cause i was too young in that time i have just six. Some times the TV give us the pleasure to see some River´s jobs, like Stand by me(that here in Brazil we called Conta Comigo), and Viagem Fantástica (sorry I don´t know the tittle in english, but his movie had Ethan Hawke in the casting). Unfortunaly He died so young, and he lost for the drugs. My friends that share with me the admiration to River Phoenix let here our homages to him. We pray to God take care of him now.
Muito Obrigado!
River para sempre
River Forever!
Hi there!
I just visit your site and I really like it :) the thing is, that last night I had a hard night and I couldn't take a sleep. So I saw a film instead that happened to be 'My own Private Idaho'. It make me think over a lot of things and remind me the life story of River Phoenix...the rest of the night was some kind of a trance between sleeping and keeping watch. In the morning, in front of my coffee I generate this few words or this kind of a "poetry" if it caught be called so...unfortunately it's in Italian but as come as I put it down only mechanically in 2 sec., I don't feel myself to translate it in English right now...
Any way, if you think it is a good idea to put it on the tribute page as well, here it is:
Il Deviante
a River
Sono un contenitore
che se non ricicla
arrivato al colmo
rischia di esplodere
hi i think tht ur website is great! i am a huge fan of River's like
many other people! i first seen him in stand by me and was amazed by him from then on! unfortunetly i have struggled 2 get a hold off all of his films but i have seen a few. i honestly think tht it was such a waste of a young talented stunning actor, to take him away from his family friends and fans!
i now think tho tht river will b sumwer looking down on everyone who
appreciated him! god bless! Danielle x
premettendo che non capirete niente di quello che sto scrivendo, volevo farlo comunque, perchè sì, io so l'inglese.....il fatto è che ho preferito scrivere nella mia lingua... l'italiano. che dire? non ho parole... fa caldo e le frasi mi si sciolgono nella mente, sto cercando il modo migliore per farle venire fuori,ma non ci riesco.forse è meglio così, perchè altrimenti magari mi metterei a piangere... non so....lascio tutto sottinteso e me ne vado, lasciando spazio ai messaggi di persone alle quali le parole non si sciolgono; riuscendo a dire con chiarezza che anche a loro, come a me,manca river. e ci manca da morire. claudia
r.i.p dude, i love ya. angelo mio sei eterno e immortale
Wow! I'm so shocked that River had to pass away. he was such a great actor! When i saw Stand By Me for the first time, i knew that i liked River Phoenix as an actor right away. He was really related to the character that he was. I felt bad for his family because he did drugs. I'm here to say sorry to river's parents. He had a great and big future ahead of him. sometimes i can hear him say as he did in stand by me when Gordie says, " I'll see ya," and then Chris ( River phoenix) says, " Not if i see you first." That's how i remember him. We should all make a memorial for River for all the great things he did for the world.
And if you haven't seen Stand By Me, Watch it please. It is the best movie in the entire world! It makes me cry wishing that he was here. Anyways, watch Stand By me Everyday. I do.
E-mail me if you want to At
Mclinda38@ Aol.com
My name is Katarina, and when I found this page I felt like I had to write something on my own...
I've been a fan of River, for not a very long time.. about a year, I think.
But even though it's been such a short time, I am "in love" with the person he was.The thoughts he had, and what he felt, is what I can agree with.. I am a vegetarian, and the things River said on that subject is more than I could ever say.. "Vegetarianism is a way to perfection and peace".. I mean, I don't know what to say.. This man, has helped me in so many ways.. I couldn't thank him enough.. Just wish he was here, and that I could have my shot to tell him..
We all miss him, we do. And his family must miss him too. I hope they all know what an amazing person he was, and how he can help people still, even if he's gone. He was, still is and will forever be the one and only..
He was able to help a lot of people alive, and I am so thankful ina way I can't describe that things are better for me, with River's words and thoughts in my head riminding me of things..
All I want to say to him is THANK You.. and I hope he's well, wherever he is.
All the love I can give in my way..
/Katarina Näslund, Sweden.
( added May 2005, 27 )
I just want to say how River Phoenix's death affected the whole world. River was my favorite actor of all time, i've seen all of his films and i can remember i cried for days when i heard that he'd died. River was the one who made me want to start doing drama and become a successful actress later on in life because he made it look so fun. i've also benn to vistit his plaque when i went to america with my friend. My favorite film by River is Stand By Me. I love you and miss you so much River Jude Phoenix, i will never forget you as long as i live and i don't think anybody will ever forget him either because of his amazing talent, love for his friends, family and fans and his extremly good looks. i just don't understand why he started to take drugs and why he had to die. River Phoenix will always be in my heart along with the merories of his films.
I was about 5 years old when i saw Stand By Me and it became my favouritr film ever and still is today, even though i,m 17 years. I love River Phoenix and thought if he had have lived on how huge his carrer would be today. I think the best way to remember him by is to bring "Stand By Me" back into the cinema worldwide. I know i would go and see it.
Love Karen Mc Ginley
It was a year before I was born that River Phoenix died. He was and still is the greatest actor of all times! I hope he is looking down on us and I hope he knows how much he's missed!
Very loving fan,
Katie Bearss
Age 11
Hi, i'm 15, well ya know i got Stand By Me one day, and i just fell in love with all the characters. I just loved River as Chris, i can't explain it. Just him with the rest of the kids being the rebel and everything. And once i found out on the dvd that he died and that he was only 23, i just like fell apart. He was such a good looking guy (kid in the movie). It just makes me sad that such an actor having sooo much ahead of him that is just ended before it even started. I think that there should be more drug awarness that it not only happens to teens but also to actors. That celeberties are under just as much pressure as teens are today to take drugs. River Phoenix will always be remembered.
Miss and Love ya River!
What a sad thing it is that happened to River Phoenix. It's the same thing that happens to thousands of other young people every year. Phoenix's death seems especially heart-breaking because many outsiders, including me, saw him as a great looking guy with incredible acting talent and a loving family. We thought he had everything in the world going for him. Maybe he did, or maybe not. But, basically, it is sad that he risked his life with some of these dangerous drugs and deprived his family of the rest of his life. This is probably the deepest wound of all. I'm sure he wasn't purposefully selfish. My understanding is that Rain and Joaquin were with him outside the Viper Room when he died. What a sad story unfolded before their eyes that night.
About a year ago, a 13-year-old boy in the town where I live died of acute alcohol poisoning. He just had a binge drinking episode with some of his friends during the July4 weekend. He had a wonderful life ahead of him. He was a very well liked baseball and soccer player. But, he did something dumb and died. I can only imagine the anger and self-doubt his parents must have experienced. He probably was not purposefully selfish.
The lesson we must all learn is that our lives are not our own because "no man is an island". We have a responsibility to those who love us to take care of ourselves and be there for them.
Yes, Phoenix's death is a very sad thing. He died an ugly and unnecessary death – sad, wasteful.
I know this is weird to be writing about, because i was not alive when river phoenix was, i still find him to be an amazing actor. about 3 years ago, my mom was talking about the movie Stand By Me, and i thought that it sounded interesting. Then about 2 weeks ago it showed up on TV, i watched it and fell in love! I went out and bought it that same day about an hour later, and i have watched it over and over and over again. I mean his prefomance in it was amazing. Since then i have been all over the internet finding pictures of him, and information about him. I still have yet to see the rest of his movies, bu if they were as wonderfully done as stand by me, i cannot wait to enjoy them. Today i was looking up how he died. Reading that he OD'd over around 10 differnet drugs was horrible. and i even saw and accual picture of him in his coffin. The sight made me cry. I felt that he was such a great person that maybe he didnt deserve to die, and it makes me feel horrible about all the people who have died from the same things that go unrecongnized. also reading that he had several seizures with the people that he loved standing over him in utter shock, was so disturbing, it accually brought me to tears. Joaquin Phoenix is one of my favorite actors, but needless to say, i dont know if he could carry his brothers astounding talent on the big screen. God Bless, river and all the people that he left devistated.
RIP: River
(March 4 2005)
Heyy Heyy,
I am so in love with River Phoenix. I am so happy to know that there r
so many fans who feel the same way. I am so up for having a memorial for
River. He is THE BEST. I dont care what the hell peeps say there will
never ever be one person that will take his place. Allthough i was only 3
when he died i just recently watched Stand By Me- and i watch 3 times a day and
i am also making all my friends watch it 2, and there so sick of me singing
the song ang stuff b/c thats all i think about. I feel like o alot of
peeps when they say they feel like they knew him and it just takes a big
chunk out of ur heart to kno he is gone but he will always be in our hearts. I
have 5 notebooks on info on him and i am writing more.......u can never and
will never have to much. I know that when i have a kid i swear i will name
them River Jude ? wheather its a gurl or boy b/c i love the name and i am so
obbsessed with him. If i could just have been there that night and
told him noooooo....dont or i could have just been able to meet him i could care
less abot anything else in the world. I myself love animals and i have 6
but i use to have 12. W/e we can do to remember him idk, i am so for it. I
really want a tattoo of something to remember him by that stands out.
I will LOVE YA FOREVER RIVER!!!!!!!!!!!~tear~.
Caitlin, and if u would like to im me my s-n is CherriChick91 and my
email address is cherrichick@comcast.net
sincerly, Caitlin
I LOVE YA RIVER~tear~!!!!.
I cannot seem to get over this thing i have about river phoenix. i have so many questions and no answers. what was he like? i fell in love with him in "the thing called love" with samantha mathis and now i cant get him out of my head. can you please help me deal with this, i know it sounds ridiculous since he's been dead for over 10 years. i just need to know what he was like and his personality if you could help me i would really appreciate it. thanks, and may god bless River's soul.
Peter Pan
Live in peace our Peter Pan,
forever beautiful, forever young.
It's really hard to put into words how beautiful of a person River Phoenix was. There's just no words to describe him. Not only was he really, really, and I mean really good looking on the outside, but he also had such a great heart on the inside. I can't believe how many people he has inspired even today. I've never told anyone until now but he is truly the reason why i've become a vegeterian. He has really made a huge impact on the way i live my life. I just can't eat meat anymore because I hate death so much especially after he died. I just can't stand the thought of death because no person, or animal, or anything deserves to die and he showed me that. No one understands how bad I feel about his death. Why did he have to die? He was so perfect he was the best ever. I cry so much when i think of him or watch movies....what really gets me is in Stand By Me is when in the end he goes..." Give me some skin....then gordie goes i'll see ya...then river says..."not if i see you first." and he fades away....that part gets me so bad every time. It just sucks what happened to him...it really does. Death is what sucks...it screws us all. Even though I never knew River or met him...i'll miss him forever untill we finally meet someday. He was just....unbelievable. We love you River...and really miss you
When I was about 5 or 6, my mom rented the movie Stand By Me for me to watch. She said it was a great movie and it used to be one of her favorites. I am now 14. Just before Christmas 04, i was in my local Best Buy store shopping. I saw the dvd of Stand By Me and wanted it really bad. I got it for Christmas but hadnt opened it until about a week ago. The movie was on t.v. and i watched it and the next day i had the urge to watch it again, so i got the dvd out and watched it. When I was younger I always had a HUGE crush on Chris Chambers. I thought he was an awesome guy and felt that he would be the same way off the screen. So i decided to look stuff up online about River and found out he had passed away when i was just 3. I cried a lot. For the past week i have watched the movie every single day and looked for information on river phoenix. Being a vegetarian myself, i felt really touched when i found out that River was too. He has touched my life in so many ways. Even though I have never met him, i feel like I know him personally, like he was my best friend and passed away. I think about him all the time and wish that he had never died. My mom died 4 years ago when i was 10 and I just know that she is with him. They would be the same age, and my mom, who loved Stand By Me, would be all over him! Its really touching that he has done so much for the environment. I read an interview on him and the guy who was interviewing him said "How does it feel to be a teenage heartthrob?" and River replied "There's really girls that want to date me out there? wow!" I thought that was really cool. It shows that he was such a down-to-earth guy and not one of the common celebrities that thrive for attention and think they are so wonderful. Whenever i have children, no matter if its a boy or girl, I will be naming my baby after him. He is such an amazing person and has touched many lives with his works. I hope to either be a singer or an actress whenever I am older and i will definitely do something in honor of him. His life should be celebrated. My love goes out to all of his family. Thanks for your time!
-Payge (14)
(Feel free to email me with any comments on this or with any additional information about River Phoenix : SiMpLySwEeT 445@aol.com)
Even though I was 1, When River died i'll always love him. Every time I watch Stand by me i think of us getting married. And i cry every time I see his name or hear his name or even see him face. River if your in Heaven ill see u up there shortly,and River ill always love you!!
I was 17 years old the first time i saw River Judd Peonix in a movie and i will never forget it. Stand By Me was a movie that i never knew existed until the winter of 2005, and when i saw it i instantly fell in love with it. The reason if was attached to this movie was for two reasons. One, was the fact that i had an extremely rough childhood and never really got to be a kid and do anything the boys in the movie did like have a tree house, sleep away from home, and just be cool with the friends i had, and expecially i didnt have a best friend. Chris chambers was the one character i was extremely fond of because i wished i had a best friend like that when i was twelve. The i read the credits and saw that it was River Pheonix. Instantly i tried to find out more about him and i searched all over online to see what movies he was in, and what he was under taking in his life now. Then i found a website that said "RIP River Judd Pheonix" on yahoo.com search River Pheonix. Instantly tears fell from my eyes as i read that he didnt liuke hs live and died at Johnny Depps club from a drug overdose on October 31, 1993; only twenty three years old. Now i am in the grieving stages for an actor who was the best anyone will see in a lifetime but is now dead. River Pheonix will truely live on in all the loyal fans who carry hi sspirit in their hearts. And even though i was only six years old when the devastation occured i feel like it is happening right now in my life.
May your great spirit live on in the hearts of everyone River,
Andrew Joseph Norris
im 14 and just recently discovered river phoenix. i frist saw him in stand by me in my english class at school as soon as i saw it i new it was my favorite movie. i wish i was around and new river to help him with his drug problems. im a vegatarian and im now inspired never to do drugs. ill miss river forever...he was a beautiful person inside and out and one of the most talented actors ive seen. i think people should take time off on october 31st to remember river phoenix and his life.
I am 14 years old!I watched the film 'stand by me' and as soon as i turned it on the 1st thing i noticed was him!he is so gorgeous!When i had finished watching the film i was really sad that chris chambers(river) had died:( until i looked at the talent profiles and then noticed he really had died!
Every day i think of him,every hour i do,every 10 minutes i do!
I think 'stand by me' was the very best film i have ever watched,because he was in it and he made it origianal!Although i am a recent fan,I no i'm going to be his fan forever!
all i wan't to say is River, 'Rest in peace',your the best and the very sexiest actor i have seen;)!!!!!!! This is to river, "I'll see you", "not if i see you first", I will keep watching 'stand by me' forever and ever!Keep looking down on me River.
One word until i am sent up to him!
"Skin it!"
carleigh, england! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hiya everyone, my name is jess, i think stand by me is the best film ever, its funny and sad at the same time. I absoluty love river phoniex and of course wil wheaton who also stars in the movie ive always had a crush on river as soon as first saw him hes 1 in a million, and now i am devastated hes died. but ever time i watch stand by me i love it even more!!!!
Hi I am Kasi and I am the number one fan of River Phoenix. The first time I saw him on Stand By Me I knew right away I loved him and I had to know more about him. Every day I get on the internet and try to find more about him, Ive found over 10 top secret websites on him and I charish each one. I ve even memorized all the lines, thats because Ive watched it 3 times a day since I wuz 11 and I'm 12. I just want to let everyone to know that nobody can beat my love for River Phoenix even if they tried,{besides his family}. Even though hes gone there is still a special place for him lying in my heart, I hope to follow his footsteps and become an actress, I really hope to meet his family someday especially his sister Summer. Best wishes to all of Rivers family. Love all of you, Kasi Matney, Hey Summer mabey you can write something to me on here that would b awesome! bye.
hi! my name is stef n im only 14 but for ma birthday this year i got stand by me. i fell in love with the movie and started crying for at least 1 hour! i didnt kno he died until i did a google search......................i dont kno why but i fell in love with River and i think he would have loved it. i live in england but whatever happens i think he should have 1 as he is a person that no one will ever forget.
A beautiful man walked among us for the shortest time. I hope River is
at peace wherever he is now. He will never be forgotten.
When I was twelve, I read an article in Tiger Beat about River. I
attached the accompanying picture to my wall, and two weeks later I stopped
eating meat (and I'm still a vegetarian, sixteen years after reading that
I remember thinking, even as a twelve-year-old, that he was more than a
beautiful face-- that he cared about this planet and the people on it.
I think having such a kind and introspective person for a teen idol
helped me grow into a better person myself.
I'm so sorry that he's gone. My love to his family and friends.
Hi,my name is Ria and i'm 15 years old.I first saw River phoenix in stand by me two mounths ago.I had heard of my sister that he had died at the age of 23 outside the Viper room by taking drugs.At first I didn't like him at all,but then i realised that he was so talented and he was acting so real.Now I'm one of his greatest fans but I'm very sorry since he died in that way...Everyone says that he was a bad person since he was taking drugs.I believe that the reason for this was that he was very young and very sentimental and as many young people, he couldn't face the real,cruel life.So drugs might was ''a way out'' for him.
His death was a great loss for me as I fell I'd known him.I've been thinking of him everytime I see his films and I always say that his death was a big mistake...I wish it had never happened.I will always love him as an actor but mostly as a human.I think River would be happy since we all show him how important it is for us to remember him...
'' I love you and you don't have to pay me...''
Rest in peace River...
hey, thanx 4 making this site possible
river was very very talented. he was an inspiring person who lived life to the max. he is also so georgous and it is a shame that he passed away. there are still so many people who adore him and wish he was still alive because he is just so talented. he is the best actor i know of and has the hottest body ive ever seen, lol. but he is just so wonderful!
he had made numerous movies [etc] in the short life that he lived, and has made such a dramatic change to so many peoples lives.
he is just a fantastic person and lived a fun and glamorous life.
river, there are so many people that miss you. you are just the most awesome and interesting person ive heard of.
luv megz. :)
Hiya, i just want to say that i love River Phoenix and i think he was brilliant at acting. He brought so much love and peace to the world and was a very caring person. I was only 3 years old when River passed away. Even though i didn't know him that much i miss him so much. I love the film "Stand By Me" i thought it was great in it. River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Wil Wheaton, and Jerry O'Connell were all brilliant at acting. "Stand By Me" is my favourite film ever i can't stop watching it because its so amazing!! I love him so much and i wish i would i could have maybe got to have met him one day. He was so nice looking as a young boy and also as he was getting older, i just wish he was still here right to this day to show much more of his talent that he had. He had a gift and just because he has passed away doesn't mean we have to forget about him. Everytime i feel sad i just look at a picture of River and it makes me smile and feel happy again!! I think there should be a River Phoenix day to show of all of his films and stuff because he was such an amazing person and it is so sad to lose someone so special. He was loved and always will be by all his caring fans!!
From a very loving fan Pamela Mcleod, age 14, from Scotland
I love you River you were such a special person.
Skin It!!
hi my name is Kasi and I'm the biggest fan of the daeril missed River Phoenix. I go to 50 differnt websites a day just to know more about him. The first time i watched Stand By Me I fell in love with him right away, now i watch it everyday and know all the words. I hope to follow the footsteps of river to becoming an actress.Even though hes gone there wiil always be a special place in my heart for him. best wishes to you Summer and to all the family. I LOVE YOU RIVER ALWAYS. HOPE TO SEE YOU SOMEDAY. your friend Kasi
I would just like to say what a waste to such a talented and good lucking actor he was. Ive only seen one film with him in and thats " stand by me".
Even tho I never met him, I bet he was a kind gentle guy.
RIP river
luv you Kevin Bell ( uk )
I have been a fan of River Phoenix for a long time. The first movie I ever saw him in was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I saw this with my family and thought first off how hot River was and then how well he acted. I have seen every River Phoenix movie made. I own seven of his films, including my favorite My own private Idaho. I enjoy his beauty and his acting ability, I also enjoy his siblings and their movies. River Phoenix changed the way I judge movies and has made the world a better place with the movies he chose to do. I miss him and wish he were still around.
I want to remember River just like he was. I don't want to remember him
as a drug user, I want him to stay as a great actor, the greatest of
all time. So I hope you'll remember him like that too. He was a great
actor, but he was too young to handle his career as the most good-loking and
the most talented actor of all time. He was too talented. I want to
remember him the way he was. R.I.P, Rio, we all loved you.
Caitlin, Finland
River Phoenix was the most special,kind,caring,talented,handsome
man I have ever seen, I can't believe he is not with us anymore,however, his
movies and memories will never die! He is loved so much. Nothing will ever
take the place of him,he is immortal! God Bless you River and those who love you
~ I LOVE YOU ALWAYS , Debbie :-)
I loved River Phoenix so much he was my roll model and he was the best actor of his time in my eyes. I will always miss him and I hope that he is looking down on us and all of his fans. J
About 10 years ago I asked my dad to contribute a powerful message, it survived all these years and still exist almost at the bottom of this page.
Quantum physics/cosmology are my college-subjects, I can almost hear your question, what has this to do with River? Your right it's a damn good question, I will explain and promise that you will feel a lot better afterwards, just stay with me.
The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) concluded that our way of seeing the world in 3-Dimensional space and time is only a human observation, not an observation of true reality.
According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, our concepts of space and time do not agree with actual reality. Our three-dimensional space and our one-dimensional time are actually two aspects of a four-dimensional "superspace", mostly called "space-time". Our senses do not perceive space-time directly, but its existence is well verified through decades of experiments. In addition to Einstein's relativity theory, modern physics is based on quantum theory, developed by famous physicists such as Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Bohr, and Dirac.
Relativity theory focuses mainly on the macro world of outer space, quantum theory on the micro world of the atom and its subatomic particles. As relativity theory, quantum physics also assumes a four-dimensional space in which our 3-D space and time are blended together.
Professor Stephen W. Hawking, one of the most prominent physicists of our age, states: "We must accept that time is not completely separate from and independent of space, but is combined with it to form an object called space-time. Such a superspace seems impossible to visualize, yet we have to get used to the idea that it exists and that we are living in it, here and now.
Corresponding to quantum physics findings, it is concluded that many other worlds exist in parallel to, and intersect with ours, the problem is that we cannot see or visualize the whole of creation that transcend our 3-Dimensional world. The reason is that our five senses are three-dimensional in nature and thus are limited to perceiving 3-Dimensional reality. Science has discovered a reality that transcends our physical existence. It is not that reality is divided into two realms. It is that human consciousness is able to grasp only so much of the total reality, the rest exceeds our capacity to comprehend.
The multiple world concept is a correct interpretation of quantum mathematics. The subject was first seriously addressed in 1950 by Hugh Everett who explored the concept mathematically. It appears that multiple worlds are just as real as ours, even though they are invisible to us. It sounds like science fiction, but it goes far deeper than any science fiction, and it is based on impeccable mathematical equations.
In addition to these physics examples the French mathematician Rene Descartes formulated the Mind-Body dual in his "Meditations", published in 1641. Descartes observed that our world consists of two basically different substances: mind and matter. All matter including our bodies occupy 3-Dimensional space, mind does not.(the term "mind" is used here disregarding existing meanings implied by this word)
Do not think of yourself as a body with a mind, but rather a mind temporary occupying a physical body. Scientists cannot find where in the brain memories are stored, they are most likely not stored in the brain, instead the brain has the function of reading information that exists in another timeless dimension. Photographic memory can be understood that way, also the reports that people with near death experiences see their entire lives in an instant.
We have to accept that the time which is given to us in our 3-dimensional world depends entirely on the period our bodies keep functioning, at the monent it stops the mind which does not occupy our 3-Dimensional space and consist of nothing but energy is still vibrantly alive including all of our memories and emotions, this multi-Dimensional world is not situated on some far distant planet or some other part of the universe but right here interpenetrating our world.
As youngsters we are convinced that we will live forever and in a sense this is true, we carry an ancient voice buried deep down inside our minds that we are part of the whole of creation, and it is not by accident that we evolved and awakened into conciousness, there is no such thing as accident in the awesome machinery of nature, we humans are connected to the whole of creation not in some trivial sense but in a very deep way. Cheer up my friends, what happened to River is inescapable to all of us but we loose each other only for a while out of sight.
Michael Joshua van Timmeren, martel3@xs4all.nl
( added July 2004, 30 )
Hello everyone...my name is Kelli and I too, am a huge fan of the wonder River Phoenix...I saw Stand By Me when I was 12, and from then on, the connection to him was huge. As a 12 year old I asked for the movie as my chrismas present...All the way through school he was my heartthrob, with his pictures and posters covering every wall in my room...and then, in 1993, I became pregnant and had decided to name my child River if it was a boy...my due date was November 10th, but suddendly on October 31st I went into labor and had my child, alas, a daughter...I had some problems in delivery, so I was kept in the hospital for a week. The news of River dying( especially on the day I gave birth) had been kept from me because my family knew was drastic reactions I would have. After I found out, I cried, but knowing he was in a better place eased my mind. Once I even started to tear up when I heard "Stand By Me" playing on the intercom at the local Wal-Mart. The fact that I had my daughter on the day of his death is very bitter sweet for me...even now I think about him at least once a week( how crazy is that?!?!) The person I just KNEW I would one day meet is never going to be, but nevertheless with wonderful sights like this, this amazing and caring man will never be forgotten. Keep up the great work!
Hey, I am Andrew and I am 16,
I just became a fan of River about 3 weeks ago...I am a inspiring actor, and that is what i would like me profession to be. Discovering River changed my views on so many things. I now live life to the fullest, I have become a vegitatian and have become Intrested in PETA, become a better person. River was such a talented young actor and a master in my eyes at the craft. I watched Stand By Me and dident want it to end! After the movie I watched the making of it. I am amazed of what the director, cast and Stephen King had to say about River...I was very sadden on what they had to say about how he had so much talented and he let it go. Just think of where he would be today, Oscar winner no dout! A-Lister absoluty! Icon Amen!
He has inspired me so much in so little time I hope If I become an actor, I can thank him for helping my ability...
I will leave u with this River,
You Are Not A Person We Have Lost,
But An Angel We Have Gained
Rest In Peace
Andrew A.
I would imagine it would be a very difficult task to find balance in being a REAL person who is true to your own heart in a superficial town like Hollywood. It is very sad that no matter who you are, nobody is immune to these 'popular', self-destructive behaviors.
It is good River Phoenix wasn't just another pretty face, and that he did actually CARE about environmental issues, and ethical treatment to our fellow Earth creatures- what a breath of fresh air! River's talent and spirit is definitly missed!
I just hope Joaquin, (or any of River's siblings) doesn't feel pressured to be a "comfort to the public". He shines brightly on his own, not in the shadow of his older brother.
Before I knew who Joaquin was, he took my breath away with his talent and charisma.The first time I saw him in action I could feel the essence of my soul gather to my chest and radiate all emotion. All I could think was "Who IS this guy?"
I am very curious about the things we will see.
I hope we don't put him in a fishbowl, too.
I would just like to say that i am a huge river phoenix fan even though i only heard of him last year. Rio was such a good person for he cared so much for this world and everythin and everyone in it. He did not like being the " poster up on the wall" kinda guy bit i'm sorry i just can't help it, with out ure pictures on my wall in my room i will not feel happy everytime i see them and not feel happy that i can talk to you eveytime i see ure eye's gazing into mine. I will always miss, love and remember you river, and i will always tell the world about how you lived and not how you died. Just coz ure body id not here, ure spirit will always live on in the hearts of ure fans.
P.S. Because of ure dedication to the care for animals i have also became a vegetarian and have been for about 4 months.
P.P.S When i am older i am going to call my child river after you and my other one, summer after ure sister, i really like tose names, there so original.
Nicola muldoon (13)
I may seem naive as i only found out that River died the other night but this has made me think. what if we all lived like him just without the drugs. he made a difference to the world and im sure those of you who wish to keep his spirit alive will understand me. he was an amazing actor and i feel touched by what he has done.
i will remember him always.
email me if you want: sweet_cheeks_503@hotmail.com
hi i have only become a fan of rivers as i didnt no of him before i saw 'stand by me' and now even though he is gone from us i think his talent is still spreading around the world today and i think he still lives on in spirit.
River Phoenix touched my life in ways I trully never will understand. I as many teenagers found him to be very handsome but he was one of many. I have heard of several famous people that I liked in the past die but none have upset me as much before or after his death. I never met him. However when he died it was like a part of me died with him. I have not seen many of his movies. I just saw Running on Empty tonight. I wanted to test to see if the connection was still there. Yes its still painful. I think that is the biggest thing. If you believe some people are connected in some way I think he was connected to me somehow but unfortunately I was never able to find out if it was real.
To River:
When I am free of the roots that bind me to this earth, we shall walk together and talk together. Until that time everlasting I live my life to the end of all things. I hope to live to be 100 and to touch others as you have touched me.
Thanks you!
Beth Rose Pizana "Giver of Love" "Little Miss Sunshine"
Dear Friends,
I only recently learned that River Phoenix's
autopsy was performed on my first day clean and sober,
November 15, 1993. I had, unfortunately, forgotten
much of River's plight, including when he died. My
heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, whom
I've never tried to contact before this.
When I learned of this "coincidence," River's world
"opened up" for me, and now I think of him, almost
constantly. I had forgotten his death by drug overdose
had an effect on me. I began to write poetry that is
long and involved--too involved for this site, maybe.
I will let you know when it is finished. I feel his
spirit constantly, now, just about. It is such a
"breath of fresh air" to me, I cannot tell you. There
is no one like River Phoenix on this planet. I now
want to learn everything about him, it seems. I've
even written the coroner's office for a copy of the
report, made ten years ago.
Last November 15th, 2003, I "celebrated" ten years
in sobriety, out at a concert ritual led by a woman
named Jennifer Berezan, with whom I went to Malta to
visit temples to the goddesses in the summer of 2000.
She had no idea of the "coincidence," beforehand,
though we've been friends for four years. Go figure. I
wrote about all this and much more in my epic poem to
Phoenix, which never seems to end. I almost did not
send anything yet, because of the poem being
unfinished, so far. I began it the other night, but
I've been struggling to express my feelings, ever
since I heard "the news." It's about 40 diary pages by
now. Seems a little bit "excessive," doesn't it? But
it's been cathartic for me. River's spirit is an
amazing entity, and it will never die--and for this, I
am grateful. This isn't coming out at all how I
planned, but somewhat... :)
I love River forever--he lives on in spirit through
me, I believe, now. I'm in sobriety because of him, I
believe. I know someone in recovery who keeps saying
he's grateful to be "above ground and breathing," and
I'm one of them, I can tell you. Sobriety beats dying
by a long shot. If it's possible, I think River loves
me in spirit, too--that is how it feels now, anyway,
that I've "learned" this.
Want to hear something else about November 15th? It
is also, "by chance," the Founder's Day at the
monastery near where I started drinking, the Stift
Klosterneuburg, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary,
when I was 12 years old, with my parents, in 1973,
outside Vienna, Austria. Forgive me if I repeat
myself--all this is in my poem, "Phoenix Rising,"
which I haven't finished yet.
People at the memorial section of this site write
about there not being one to him, but according to
Brian J. Robb's book on him, students at St. Martin's
College of Art in London designed and erected a plaque
to him there--they also held an all-night vigil on
November 16th.
I kind of "knew" November 15th would play a part in
his afterlife, because it has cropped up for me from
time to time in my own history, as you can see, and
I'm certain now he had an effect on my decision to get
clean and sober. In fact, when I read recently in an
article about Johnny Depp's good fortune that he died
from an overdose at The Viper Room in 1993, I went to
the library right away, to look River up, because I
was quite certain it had an impact on my sobriety
Does anyone know how to get in touch with Aleka's
Attic members? I am intrigued with this part of
River's work. I am sorry I did not realize all of this
sooner. It's as if I "shut River out," after he died,
and I regret this, as he is now a "favorite ancestor"
of mine and many others, as I can see from this site.
Much love to the family,
Vivian Taube XXOO
This message is for everybody who still love River Phoenix,
Okay, my name is Lydie and i'm french.I am 15 so sorry for my english.The first time i heard about River was this year 2004 in january. It's not a long time.
My english teacher watch to us a film a mythic film: Stand By Me. I watch the film and I think it's a really really really beautiful film. It was a sort of revelation to me. My first question in my head was:" Chris Chamber, who plays Chris Chamber? I watch the film in english but it was sometimes difficult to me to understand all the film and when i watch it in french i really realize that it was a sad but beautiful film.
So i know River Phoenix grace at Stand By Me and for the memorial I think we will gather( all River's Fans) near a river and talk about him, and sing... Don't forget him because he don't forget us!!!
Thanks to everybody tothink about Him!!!!
I just don't know how to explain my feeling. I'm not good at English (i'm a learner). But everytime I think of River with strong emotion. I know him even after the terrible accident. The whole thing looked like another hollywood moive. I dreamed that River would stand up again with a big smile and said hey to the director.
I sent an E-mail to God ,"hey I miss this guy so much ,can you send him back? back to the world?". That's useless. All I know is that he has come into my world. I know he will stay there forever.
sophia (from PRC)
i saw stand by me this christmas, the only film ive ever seen river phoenix in and i feel so sad because i think the story reflects on his life, i never heard of him before seeing this but now i have to wonder why, he was so beautiful and he just threw it all away, why did it have to happen to him, its so unfair, i hate to think that hes in the ground he'll never smoke another cigarette, he'll never love another woman he'll never see the sun rise in this world and i feel sad because of this man i have never known is dead, he touch my heart in a way no one else ever has and i never even met him.
good luck river, you'll be in my heart
emily, ireland.
its now been 10 years and i still love and miss him to this day, he was an amazing gorgeous actor and he had and still has many fans i adored river just the way he was especially as chris chambers in stand by me!!
he will always be in my heart! now and forever always!
vicky! x
( added October 2003, 31 )
River Phoenix was the best actor of his time. He always gave 110% in
his performances which showed on screen. He was extremely talented and
had a voice like an angel. I have never heard of a person who loved
this world and everyone in it so much. He was so generous and giving and
full of love. Ten years have passed and not one memory has faded. We
may have lost River but his brother Joaquin is bringing us comfort, even
though he can never replace him.
I'm sure he is with the angels now, looking down on us and his family,
keeping the gates of heaven open.
Rest in peace River. We miss you and will never forget you.
Thank you for your webpage. I've only seen one of his movies - Stand By Me. My teenage children have seen the movie and enjoyed it too. I think it is one of those movies that you get a different message from, depending on your age. Although I don't normally feel anything except a passing sadness when someone I don't know dies, there is something about River Phoenix that haunts me. At this time, the anniversary of his death, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
I visit this site often, but now I'd like to write a tribute to River.
River, you are never forgotten, even though you are gone from this physical earth.
You were only here for 23 years , but we will remember you always. You live on through all of the good things you have done. I wish I could turn back the clock but you are home safe and sound. Thank you for the inspiration.
with love & respect,
Hello i am Katie i have been a fan of river's sense 1988
i know that is a long time to be a fan crazy huh ?
but, his work is and will always be fancinating to me
he was a wonderful and kindernd soul verylove which i think everyone knows well that is all i have to say but, love ya and god bless ,
katie loope
my name is darce and i think someone should make a website with all
his pictures and all his movies and songs and just everything ever
writen about him to be put on it.
this summer i became a fan of river phoenix the moment i started
the movie "stand by me". i saw him and i had just had to know
everything about him, my friend maria and i have been to most of his web sites and
seen all of his movies. he was a great singer and song writer, a
phenomenal actor and a beautiful man.
i am only gonna be 14 in september and he died 10 years ago but i
feel like i know him. i cried when i heard that he died but i know his
memory will go on forever.
maria and i celebrated his birthday today at 12:03p.m. and on the
31st of october, 1:51, we will morn the anniversary of his death.
he changed my life and until now i've been wasting time. i'm
writing this letter only because his songs and his performances move me, and i
believe he was a pure soul and a heart of gold. this song that he wrote
is the way i felt when i discovered River Jude Bottom.
Until Now
1, 2, 3, 4
Until now
I've been blind,
Until now
I've been wasting time,
I've been lost in streets of plenty
I've been tossed on icy seas,
And all I've crossed ain't worth a quarter,
Its muddy water,
Until now
There's a light that shines forever
There's a light that shines for me
There's a light my footsteps guiding,
Where I've been hiding,
Until now
by river phoenix
darcie, from north cali
Hi, I'm Christina B. and I'm 14. I just wanted to write in since it is River's B-day today. I first saw him in I think it was the explorers when I was younger. I think he still might have been alive then. And then I saw him and stand by me and early this year I bought the DVD and I felt awful when I found out he died because of course I hadn't really heard of him and just found out through his bio. I felt awful and now I think of him very often and i do cry alot over him and since becoming his fan am now a vegetarian. I love and miss u river! We all do.......

"He was impulsive and careless - he took more drugs than I ever heard of anyone taking before...
I don't know how anyone could take that amount of drugs without the idea that they were basically
going to die."
-- Gus Van Sant
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